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welcome to Servico Investigation Company

At Servico, we strive to provide the finest investigative services available. While we offer more traditional investigative and protective services, we also recognize that in today's world changes are rapid and frequent. To tailor our services to the dynamic business environment, Servico has become a part of an International Infrastructure of Ivestigators.

Through technology, we offer our clients even more comprehensive services to complement our field services. Information that formerly took weeks to obtain may now be procured in a matter of hours. The benefit of this is two-fold: We are able to quickly provide our client with the most current information, while significantly reducing the investigative costs.

Servico Investigation Co. is a fully licensed and bonded Agency.

Members of:

(NCISS) National Council of Investigation & Security Services, (SPI) Society of Professional Investigators, (WAD) World Association of Detectives, (ALDONYS) Associated Licensed Detectives of New York State, (ABI) Association of British Investigators, (INTA) International Trademark Association.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year:
Servico is here to meet your investigative needs!

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